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 Feeding outside of tank

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Invalid User Posted - 29/11/2010 : 07:32:28
Hi everyone. When I get my snake I am planning on feeding him outside his faun, in a small tub as I want to reduce the chances of him striking at us when we put our hands in his faun.

Question is, I know you can't handle snake for 48 hours after a feed but is it ok to pick him up straight after to pop him back in his faun or should I put the tub in the faun and let him get out on his own?

9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Invalid User Posted - 29/11/2010 : 17:49:14
Thanks for all your replies. I will see what works best for our snake but glad it's ok to do it that way.
sarahw Posted - 29/11/2010 : 17:04:47
same here, i just open up the viv and let sonic climb out his tub by himself, sometimes he needs a little guiding so i very carefully lift him
n/a Posted - 29/11/2010 : 14:31:11
I just put the box in the viv for Noddle to climb out of and i take it out in the morning.

drchino Posted - 29/11/2010 : 11:02:06
I just slide Izzy back in from the box. Unless she's had a big fat mouse she's usually still on attack mode even 15minutes after eating!
tehbunneh Posted - 29/11/2010 : 10:18:47
I use the tub I feed to gently slide my guys into their boxes. This is mainly because Widget just strikes at me cos he's bad tempered and Boa is a full on strike-constrict feeder, and I'd really not want him doing that a finger!! Also, I just find it safer in my own opinion ^^
herriotfan Posted - 29/11/2010 : 10:02:10
I gently lift mine back to their vivs too. It's one of those where there's no right or wrong, it's just personal choice.
Invalid User Posted - 29/11/2010 : 09:52:17
Ah, that's put my mind at rest. Cheers :o)
Mort13 Posted - 29/11/2010 : 09:24:10
I gently pick both mine up and transfer them straight to their viv making sure the bumps travelled to approximately the middle of their bodies before moving them and that I avoid the bump. They've both been fine with that.
Sta~ple Posted - 29/11/2010 : 09:11:12
You can do it either way :) If you pick him up after feeding though to pop him back in, make sure it's far down his body.

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