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Posted - 30/05/2010 : 21:42:48 Hi all, not sure if this is worthy of a sticky but I thought I would post a guide to help other new comers set up their snake enclosures. Although I have only had my Corn Snake for 8 months I would like to think I have successfully set mine up and that my snakey is a happy snake. I will continue the guide in my second post so that I am able to edit it if necessary.
20 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First)
Lady Chappell
Posted - 01/09/2012 : 20:01:34 Just a quick question my hatchling is about 3 weeks old and i have the Kamodo version of your Faun can a hatchling get through those air slats just dont want to take any risks as i would have one upset little boy as he loves his baby snake if cola escaped
Posted - 01/09/2012 : 19:31:29 Thanks mick very helpful.
Posted - 11/08/2012 : 20:29:42 I had the same thought when I first got one of these fauns and used to put a book on the top but after a couple of weeks took it off because I thought I was being to paranoid and I was. I had Sid in this type of faun and he was constantly roaming looking for a flaw and he never found one. The lids do push on pretty tight and are quite secure. I had my mat on the outside with the stat probe stuck to it (thermometer probe on the floor in the faun) and then sat the faun on top of it and the weight of it kept the mat in place.
Posted - 11/08/2012 : 19:58:33 Hi all,
Thank you for this post. We aint got our corn snake yet hopefully in a couple of weeks so we are currently reading up as much information as we can on the to give it the best care possible. Currently setting things up ready for our new arrvial and information like this is very very helpful.
We have 2 questions...
1. We got the Faunarium like your one in the 101 guide and we are a little concerened that the lids dont look at secure. Could these be easily opened by the snake? (Wife would go mental if it gets out..LOL)
2. Should the heat pad go inside the box or be glued to the outside or have the air space as your recommened?? There seems to be a lot of information on this but it is all a little confusing as every one says theirs is the best way.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Posted - 10/07/2012 : 22:09:18 I've got 2 of these for my corns, they are BRILLIANT and a lot less hastle than the faunariums PLUS (the best bit) the whole top opens up so getting snakey out is a lot easier.
I tried faunariums but didn't like having to stick the heat mat to the bottom of it and I didn't like having to make extra holes for thermostat and thermometer probes
Posted - 07/03/2012 : 13:27:55 Yes it was indeed, woo. I get to use a spam pic again, it's been ages since they were dragged out.
Posted - 07/03/2012 : 12:10:57
quote:Originally posted by bedemiqy
spammity spam spam spam text snipped.
Posted - 07/03/2012 : 06:50:09
Posted - 17/02/2012 : 15:03:35 Thanks this helped me alot! although my heat mat hangs off the edge of my faun an its to big but it keeps it just under 30 degrees still so this shouldnt be a problem right?
Posted - 23/01/2012 : 18:22:44 fantastic guide will defenitly help many people
Posted - 13/01/2012 : 12:33:51 that looks like a really fun set up! :) bet snakey loves it like this, i need to get a smaller plant lol
Posted - 25/11/2011 : 11:10:38 will be making a damp hide for sonny for next time gr8 guide, that pic at the end made me LOL
smart bunny
Posted - 11/11/2011 : 12:01:15 As a newbie who is wanting to get set up for a corn snake and wouldn't have known where to start I'd just like to say thanks for going to the effort of making this guide. :)
Posted - 30/10/2011 : 08:55:42 Great guide Mick, very useful! We now have something very similar :)
Posted - 08/09/2011 : 15:49:40 thank you ive just joined 5 mins ago.posted alot of questions and now theye are answered :-) thank you
Posted - 02/09/2011 : 11:08:43 Thankyou so much for this guide i setup my faun last week following this thanks :)
Posted - 26/08/2011 : 07:25:57 They air slots are small so should be ok. The cable holes on the lid if not used should be blocked ( i used tissue). The lid dies clap down so no fears there.
Tommy H
Posted - 25/08/2011 : 23:50:18 Brilliant thread. So I'm looking at getting a hatchling, and I've seen it mentioned that they can squeeze through small gaps - I take it that the air slots in the lid of the faunarium from 888 are too small for them to get through?
Do you know if the lid clamps on? As i've heard they get strong and can lift lids?
Also, strange question, how often so they poo?
Posted - 15/08/2011 : 15:16:03 great thread.. i feel a little more confident about setting up a home for my snakey now :)
Posted - 03/06/2011 : 22:39:07
quote:Originally posted by LittleMick
Well the cost of me posting is about 50p a word, will send admin an invoice shortly.
Lol, seriously though, you want me to build it for you as well?
Lol, No, absolutely seriously, if it will help I will get a price together of what I paid for a COMPLETE setup. But I'm sure if people hunt around they can get everything a little cheaper.
This was an absolute god send and yeah if you could come around my house when I have problems(I'll put he kettle on)