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T O P I C    R E V I E W
PunkAsF82 Posted - 02/05/2013 : 11:59:50
Hi everyone! Not really a newbie, used to be on this forum all the tone but for some reason it sorta phased out, so for people who don't remember me...

I'm Cat, and I have a 5.5ft Amel corn called Lucky. We think she's a female, and guess about 4-5 years old, but can't be sure as we found her abandoned a few years ago!
I also own an almost 5 year old male bearded Dragon called Cooper, he's my 21 inch long baby CD

Nice to be back, hope someone remembers me! :)
11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Mamma Posted - 03/05/2013 : 09:49:01
welcome back
herriotfan Posted - 03/05/2013 : 09:16:29
Razee Posted - 03/05/2013 : 08:07:48
Welcome back, Cat :-)
a33272 Posted - 02/05/2013 : 18:58:06
hello cat :D. what colours ya hair now adays? still look like someones sneezed in it :P
gmac Posted - 02/05/2013 : 18:51:54
Hey cat, thought i had went back in time then. welcome back :D
scottishbluebird Posted - 02/05/2013 : 17:32:09
Welcome back
PunkAsF82 Posted - 02/05/2013 : 12:31:46
We still have a 200l Cichlid tank, and lucky will be taking pride of place next to it :) however I find myself needing a habistat heat mat monitor or similar, but unfortunately funds are incredibly tight, as are everyone's I'm sure!
Figs Posted - 02/05/2013 : 12:28:05
Welcome back
Kellog Posted - 02/05/2013 : 12:16:50
Originally posted by PunkAsF82 we're getting rid of a fish tank and having the snake instead! ^_^

Definitely the right decision !! You must have missed Lucky since you moved out, although I assume you've still seen her....but it isn't the same. So glad the 'family' is getting back together .

PunkAsF82 Posted - 02/05/2013 : 12:08:55
KELLOG! I'm back on really because I moved out with my other half about a year ago, and we didn't originally take lucky with us, just Cooper.
But now my mum is going to live in France, so we're getting rid of a fish tank and having the snake instead! ^_^
Kellog Posted - 02/05/2013 : 12:06:27
So good to have you back Cat !! I dropped out for a few years and am just back as well. Can't wait to see up to date pics of Lucky. Hope you're ok.


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