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T O P I C    R E V I E W
danablett Posted - 18/11/2014 : 19:36:47
Hi all,

thought i'd better say hi after stalking the sight for a couple of weeks.

I'm a complete novice and bought my first corn snake a couple of weeks ago and with the help of the shop where I bought him from and this website I managed to get all my silly questions answered (i'm sure there will be more).

He's about 18 months old and rather shy...spends a lot of time hidden in the substrate. More active in the evening when the kids have gone to bed....don't blame him really! Hopefully, if ive done it correctly, below should be a couple of photos.


7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
herriotfan Posted - 27/11/2014 : 09:13:25
Hi and welcome
Razee Posted - 21/11/2014 : 07:40:00
Hello and welcome to the form :-)
Donnie Posted - 19/11/2014 : 18:16:08
Hello and welcome
scottishbluebird Posted - 19/11/2014 : 15:25:15
Hi and welcome
Kellog Posted - 19/11/2014 : 09:27:37
So glad you've decided to come out of the shadows Dan . Welcome to you and Shadow. He's lovely . If you're a Facebook user you can also join our group on there -

I'm so glad you've found the forum helpful. One thing I will say is that I double check everything I'm told by pet shops on here. My local reptile shop is adamant that you don't need thermostats!

If you can't find what you want to know using the search option, then please don't hesitate to ask. We don't bite, much . In the top right corner, by the search option, is 'Active topics'. You can use that to access those threads that have been commented on since you last logged in.

A word of warning, Shadow won't be your last corn....they're addictive .

Wheels Posted - 18/11/2014 : 21:06:28
Welcome to you and your little fella. His yellow really shows through, almost surprises you
Freddiesmum Posted - 18/11/2014 : 20:56:05
Another Oscar he's lovely

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