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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Venus8 Posted - 19/04/2015 : 13:41:15

Hello me lovelies

I'll keep this short & sweet (just like me!!) ...I'm not a newbie but not a pro either (far from it!!) to keeping reptiles as a few years back I kept some cornsnakes & a beardie but due to unforeseen circumstances I had to rehome them all
I still have loads to learn and thought this is the best place and it has been so far as I'm learning new things the more I read!!

Anyhoo things are better now & after recaping on cornsnake care, hubster treated me to a new setup & accessories, had it running for a couple of weeks and now im a proud mamma to a beautiful cornsnake (I will upload photos soon!)

Right i think that's enough waffle from me...for now anyway!!
I can't wait to get to know you all & meet your babies

16   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
coxymk2 Posted - 14/05/2015 : 17:11:50
Hello and welcome
Kellog Posted - 27/04/2015 : 08:47:25
Glad you've joined us, Gemma, and very glad that you've been able to return to corn keeping.

ravensgirl Posted - 23/04/2015 : 17:11:23
hello and welcome :)
Venus8 Posted - 23/04/2015 : 09:48:03
Thanks sam
sam9287 Posted - 22/04/2015 : 18:32:48
Hi Venus8 and welcome fellow newbie :) x
Venus8 Posted - 22/04/2015 : 13:57:57
Hi & thanks Redware
Redware Posted - 21/04/2015 : 21:15:52
Hi and welcome
Venus8 Posted - 21/04/2015 : 15:48:17
Hi & thanks Razee
Razee Posted - 21/04/2015 : 12:59:03
Hello and welcome to the forum :-)
Venus8 Posted - 21/04/2015 : 09:23:03
Hi & thanks Donnie, herriotfan & Charles for the welcome!! I am pleased i am finally here as I have been reading this forum for a while now and i really enjoy reading the posts etc because its so informative, not just for me but for my boys to so I thought it was a good place to register to. Anyhoo I did however in the meantime registered to a couple of other forums so some of you may have seen pics of my corn already...don't worry I will share some pics as soon as I've worked out how!! Lol Again thanks everyone for making me feel welcome!! <3
Charles Posted - 20/04/2015 : 16:25:41
herriotfan Posted - 20/04/2015 : 07:51:42
Hi and welcome aboard.
Donnie Posted - 20/04/2015 : 04:31:03
Hello and welcome
Venus8 Posted - 19/04/2015 : 20:20:08
Hi & thanks ScalySituation & Scottishbluebird for the warm welcome
scottishbluebird Posted - 19/04/2015 : 16:57:08
Hi and welcome
ScalySituation Posted - 19/04/2015 : 15:42:40
Hi there :)

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