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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ScalySituation Posted - 13/02/2016 : 20:34:52
Hi there
Just weighed Maggie and she's at a whopping 516g!
All looking good for making babies!
If I can find a polybox that is, they're rarer than gold dust around here!
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ScalySituation Posted - 17/02/2016 : 11:24:08
My pet shop wants £4.50 for one box :/
Razee Posted - 16/02/2016 : 07:57:27
Also pet shops/ reptile shops that sell mice and chicks will have poly boxes.
Razee Posted - 16/02/2016 : 07:54:39
Scaly, try anywhere where they receive cooled/ frozen food or similar. Butchers, Tesco, etc. also hospitals. We have lots at work ( university ) but I'm still off work so can't help you there. Just a word of warning - if there was dry ice inside, it sometimes stinks, so will need a good wash and airing out.
Donnie Posted - 15/02/2016 : 21:08:52
Good luck with it scaly

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