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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Lewy Posted - 06/04/2009 : 12:21:46
The Forum is busier than ever which is great! but due to loads of posts things are getting a little slow (matty your computer is fine

I'll be archiving a lot of the older posts over the next few days (older than 6 months old)
This should make the forum fast again!

You can all still reach these archived posts if you want to read them (use the folder icon with the A on it - on the right of the forum home page - to delve into the archive) if you are using the search facility you can search archived posts buy checking the "archived posts" box.

This will make the forum super fast again!
Any questions on how to reach the archived posts please post below.

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
n/a Posted - 10/11/2009 : 20:17:55
I love all these cool signatures and would like to make one of my own. Does any body have any advise for me on how to edit a picture (which I know how to do) and then post on here, I really am not feeling the one I have up now. Thanks guys and ladies.
Kehhlyr Posted - 06/04/2009 : 22:15:49
Mine only struggle whenever firefox updates.
The 'warn if redirecting' option doesn't want to turn off. GRRR
gingerpony Posted - 06/04/2009 : 18:18:37
matty you're not alone, my computer is starting to struggle on here too
matty18714 Posted - 06/04/2009 : 12:24:18

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