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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Telstar Posted - 14/01/2015 : 08:47:49
I'm a new snake owner. I bought a '2nd hand' one from an ad on FB last week (snake bought for children who have lost interest - ho hum). I've always wanted a snake and somehow this one called to me! Unfortunately it seems the previous owner wasn't as knowledgable as she thought she was. My little snake seems healthy, but the 3ft vivarium is really a bit big for an approx 1 year old corn snake! I gave it a thorough clean yesterday and it was filthy. It had what I assume was orchid bark on the floor, but below the surface it was greyish dust, and congealed into a sticky mess under the hides and heat mat. I've now put down a nice layer of Aspen and have fitted a Mat Stat. Little snake had a good explore last night and has now settled down. Unfortunately I don't know if he's a he or she's a she, so I'm trying to think of a neutral sort of name!
So chuffed to find this wonderful site and forum last week before I got my snake. It's excellent!
12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ScalySituation Posted - 27/07/2015 : 15:18:56
Hi there Telstar :)
You've done well by little Atari :)
343guiltyspark Posted - 26/07/2015 : 22:07:21
Welcome :)
Freddiesmum Posted - 30/01/2015 : 11:54:47
Hiya! Look forward to pics. Don't worry about the viv size - my Emmy moved into her 4ft viv when she was not much older than a year and is fine. As long as there is plenty coverage, and the glass gap isn't too big (as mentioned above) not to worry!

This is a great site and has helped me a lot over the years!
Telstar Posted - 30/01/2015 : 10:08:41
Hello again and thanks for the welcome. Little snake is doing very well, eating with great gusto and keeping me entertained with our regular handing sessions. He/she has been given the moniker 'Atari' - it means 'success', apparently, but is named in honour of the old computer and games machines that I still have. Guess that gives you all a clue as to my advancing years! I'll try to get some decent photos soon, as I'm interested to find out what morph Atari is.
Bertie Posted - 28/01/2015 : 00:13:50
Hello and welcome.
coxymk2 Posted - 21/01/2015 : 20:31:54
Hello and welcome
scottishbluebird Posted - 16/01/2015 : 22:38:56
Hi and welcome
gmac Posted - 16/01/2015 : 20:22:37
Welcome along
Donnie Posted - 14/01/2015 : 19:30:10
Hello and welcome
Razee Posted - 14/01/2015 : 14:47:55
Hello and welcome, it's very nice of you to give an unwanted snake a home. That was one lucky snakey.

Don't worry too much about 3 foot viv being too long as the snakey can't squeeze out through the gap between the glass doors, you're ok. If you think he could, you can always wedge a piece of cardboard there - and same for any other gaps ( where the leads go, etc. )

Looking forward to seeing his/ her pics :-)

Wheels Posted - 14/01/2015 : 10:08:02
Welcome and well done for rescuing the poor thing! Sounds like he/she has landed on

It really annoys me when people don't think through pets and children. I share Wheels with my 4 year old, he wanted a snake but wasn't allowed one unless there was at least one adult who agreed to actually do the caring. An approach I would take for any child living in my house (including older children in their 20s and 30s if it came to it - if the animal is under my roof, the animal is my responsibility!).

We assume our snake to be a he, but we have no idea really.

Look forward to photos and the naming ceremony
herriotfan Posted - 14/01/2015 : 09:22:44
Congratulations on your new addition.
Sounds like the poor little creature had a rough start. Probably why it was looking for a new home. Neglected and too much trouble for the old owner.
Thank goodness you came along and introduced the little dear to paradise!
Look forward to all the post about ? in the future, including a name.

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