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United Kingdom
740 Posts |
Posted - 09/07/2013 : 06:49:37
So happy, Diego ate a mouse last night, after 4 and a half months of refusing every meal offered. I offered him the mouse I was going to give Luna (we've gotten in to the habit of offering every meal to him first), and he came forward like he was going to try get out of the viv as he always does, the decided actually, that mouse looked quite interesting...and he opened his mouth, thought about it, then bit gently on it. I gave it a wiggle and he bit harder and pulled it back, so I shut the viv and held my breath. You could see the cogs turning...'I got this far, now what?' Then he swallowed it right down ^_^ Would have taken pics, but I was so afraid he'd spit it back out lol |
2.2.3 Corn snakes; Red, Rosie, Liana, Checkers, Luna, Diego, Snowman 1.0 Taiwanese Beauty Snake; Aleron 1.0 Green Anoles; Doug 1.0 Greyhound; Lee |
smart bunny
Fully Grown Corn
United Kingdom
5091 Posts |
Posted - 09/07/2013 : 07:14:19
Brilliant news :D |
Fully Grown Corn
United Kingdom
2525 Posts |
Posted - 09/07/2013 : 07:46:40
Only just realized, after 4 months of other thoughts on his mind - that he was, actually, getting hungry :-) Congrats on the feed, bet that felt good :-) |
0.1.0 late CB10 Carolina corn snake - Bazilishka 1.0.0 CB11 Abbots Okeetee- Little Twiddler 1.0.0 CB11 Hypo corn- Sebastianek 1.0.0. CB14 Butter Motley - Squidwood 0.0.2 CB18 normal/ Okeetee yearlings Bunny and Lalalishka 0.0.1 hognose 0.1.0 stable cat 0.1.0 house cat |
Fully Grown Corn
United Kingdom
5853 Posts |
Posted - 09/07/2013 : 07:57:47
Great that he's fed for you!! Good idea not to take photos, you don't want to bother him and put him off in any way.  |
Husband....Very Understanding!!! (Phil) Son & Daughter (Kevin & Carol) Granddaughter (Eva) 3.4.0 Cornsnakes Amel (Sidney) Caramel Stripe (Sultan) Amber (Cleo) Carolina (Phoebe) Anery Motley Stripe (Penny) Snow (Lily) Caramel (Holmes) 1.2.0 Royal Pythons(Peeps, Pandora & Pepsi) 1.0.0 Hognose (Hudson) 2.1.0 Dogs (Dillon, Alfie, Ellie) 0.1.0 Senegal Parrot (Peanut) 1.1.0 Bearded Dragons (Bonnie & Clyde) 1.0.0 Crested Geckos (Echo) 0.2.1 Hermanns Tortoises (Ebbie, Rosie & Twiglet) 0.1.0 Guinea Pig (Dolly-Pipsqueak) 0.1.9 Tarantulas (Poppy, Gypsy, Bumble, Insey Winsey, Sonic, Cookie, Raven, Fudge, Titch & Sox) ??? Foster animals Location: Near Saffron Walden, Essex
Edited by - herriotfan on 09/07/2013 07:58:03 |
449 Posts |
Posted - 09/07/2013 : 08:45:39
Congrats, that must be a relief :) |
'Lovecraft' - CB12 male amel
'Sarnath' - CB13 male KSB (anery, het. albino) |
United Kingdom
522 Posts |
Posted - 09/07/2013 : 11:21:33
yey well done Diego, I know it's a really stressful time when they don't eat, even when you know they will be ok! |
1.2.4 Corn Snakes - Carolina, 2 x Bloodred het Lavender, Amel, Snow, Anery and Carolina. 0.0.1 Cali King - Ziggy - escaped!! RIP Princess x |
Fully Grown Corn
United Kingdom
3315 Posts |
Posted - 09/07/2013 : 17:34:15
That's great news, so pleased for you  |
2.4.0 Corn snakes 1.0.0 horse 0.1.0 Golden retriever 1.4.0 Guinea pigs |
United Kingdom
740 Posts |
Posted - 09/07/2013 : 19:31:22
Thanks ^_^ It's also the first feed he's ever had with me o.O His previous owner said he was a pig and couldn't believe he wasn't eating. |
2.2.3 Corn snakes; Red, Rosie, Liana, Checkers, Luna, Diego, Snowman 1.0 Taiwanese Beauty Snake; Aleron 1.0 Green Anoles; Doug 1.0 Greyhound; Lee |
Snake Mite
United Kingdom
36 Posts |
Posted - 09/07/2013 : 19:36:16
congrats on the feed :) |
1 ghost corn snake |
Sub Adult
United Kingdom
1773 Posts |
Posted - 09/07/2013 : 21:42:23
Yay, im so proud of Diego ^^ |
Albino Addiction ... <3 0.1.0 - Creamsicle Cornsnake (Mo) 1.0.0 - Bubblegum Snow Corn (Gabriel) 1.0.0 - Lavendar 100% Het Hypo Corn (Ezra) 1.0.0 - Bairds Rat Snake (Lazarus) 0.0.1 - Crested Gecko (Pan) |
the nice one
United Kingdom
7308 Posts |
Posted - 12/07/2013 : 11:29:38
Sorry for the late reply, but I am SO pleased to see that Diego has eaten ! I went through what you did, with my first snake refusing every feed with me for 13 weeks. It was a real shock when he finally ate! I know that Diego has been suffering a bit and you think it's down to him not eating so this is even more important and I hope that he recovers quickly now he's decided that food is more important than females .
United Kingdom
740 Posts |
Posted - 12/07/2013 : 11:34:22
Thanks ^_^ I'm going to keep an eye on him, hopefully he stops losing weight now. He lost over 250g which is a lot (more than half what Luna weighs right now o.O) but he's now about right so I'll try keeping his weight steady. Couldn't stop dancing when he finally got that mouse down lol |
2.2.3 Corn snakes; Red, Rosie, Liana, Checkers, Luna, Diego, Snowman 1.0 Taiwanese Beauty Snake; Aleron 1.0 Green Anoles; Doug 1.0 Greyhound; Lee |
the nice one
United Kingdom
7308 Posts |
Posted - 12/07/2013 : 11:39:07
I'm not surprised you were dancing . What size mouse was it? Hopefully he should slowly put on weight if he continues to eat each week. Try not to stress if he refuses the next time, sometimes they take a few feeds to get properly started again.
United Kingdom
740 Posts |
Posted - 12/07/2013 : 22:59:31
It was a large which surprised me even more, I expected him to want something smaller at first. I'm not going to worry now until it's been another 4 and a half months lol, I know he has *something* in his belly. |
2.2.3 Corn snakes; Red, Rosie, Liana, Checkers, Luna, Diego, Snowman 1.0 Taiwanese Beauty Snake; Aleron 1.0 Green Anoles; Doug 1.0 Greyhound; Lee |
United Kingdom
740 Posts |
Posted - 13/07/2013 : 09:21:49
Aaaaa, even better news, last night I caught him drinking, actually properly drinking instead of this diving he's been doing because he couldn't hold himself still over the surface of the water. I think my boy is getting better ^_^ |
2.2.3 Corn snakes; Red, Rosie, Liana, Checkers, Luna, Diego, Snowman 1.0 Taiwanese Beauty Snake; Aleron 1.0 Green Anoles; Doug 1.0 Greyhound; Lee |
United Kingdom
485 Posts |
Posted - 13/07/2013 : 09:27:18
That is fantastic news that he is getting back to his old self.
I do sometimes feel awful that I don't comment on threads like this but as I only have experience with little ones that refuse to eat, I have no idea what it is like to have a big lad that goes off his food. I have been reading though and am really pleased for you  |
0.1.0 Snow - Cathy (digesting, waiting for her photo op) 0.1.0 Carolina - Delilah 0.1.0 King Charles Cavalier - Emily 0.1.0 St Bernard - Pooch 0.1.0 Manx Cat - Maggie 0.0.1 HUGE tropical fish tank + residents 1.0.0 Husband (thinks I am insane) 3.2.0 Children (think I am cool!)
United Kingdom
740 Posts |
Posted - 13/07/2013 : 09:36:07
Thanks :p It's appreciated :) |
2.2.3 Corn snakes; Red, Rosie, Liana, Checkers, Luna, Diego, Snowman 1.0 Taiwanese Beauty Snake; Aleron 1.0 Green Anoles; Doug 1.0 Greyhound; Lee |
Topic  |