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8 Posts |
Posted - 16/11/2009 : 07:07:56
Thank you all for your kind replys. xx |
Fully Grown Corn
United Kingdom
3796 Posts |
Posted - 16/11/2009 : 13:12:22
So sorry to hear about Cornflake Charlock, but it hasn't all been in vain as your story is now educating others (if that is any small consolation?) I really hope the pet shop puts their hands and admits responsibility. x |
9.11 Cornsnakes 1.1 Hogg island boas 1.0 Dwarf Burmese python
Location: Watford Website- |
United Kingdom
360 Posts |
Posted - 18/11/2009 : 13:20:43
that is a very sad story man im sorry to heear that you had to go throguh with seeing a corn snake like that =[ don't give up with them though get another one and keep going. |
The Corn Snake Moderator
United Kingdom
5491 Posts |
Posted - 20/11/2009 : 07:54:40
quote: Originally posted by charlock
Even worse when we contacted the shop they we totally unsympathetic, deny any responsibility and even suggested we had dropped the Viverium??????. We are seeking further action.
RIP Cornflake.
was there any progress made with the shop at all? |
2.0 Normal Royal Pythons - Q and Little One 1.0 Chihauhaun Mountain Kingsnake - Simba

8 Posts |
Posted - 20/11/2009 : 16:45:45
Hi everyone - thank you again for the support!
The shop has not been in touch with us and the matter is now being delt with by an official body. I dont want to say to much for legal reasons - but I will update in the future.
x |
United Kingdom
560 Posts |
Posted - 20/11/2009 : 18:14:23
We wish you all the best with the precedings, and hope the outcome is good for you after all your heartache.
Best Wishes  |
Our ever growing menagerie:
1.0.0 Amel cornsnake (Ziggy) 0.1.0 Amel motley cornsnake (Kizzy) 1.0.0 Housegecko (Eric) 0.1.0 Chile Rose Tarantula (Daisy) RIP Double D, We'll miss you... xxx 1.0.0 Budgie (Oscar) 0.1.0 Cat (Sophie) 1.1.0 Red Eared Sliders (Sam 'n' Ella) Assorted Fish - Harry, Artie, Kev and Ebi.
RIP Georgina the Housegecko , Archie the Angelfish (17/09/09), and Daisy the Chile Rose Tarantula (19/11/2009)
Our Animal's Album: |
the nice one
United Kingdom
7308 Posts |
Posted - 20/11/2009 : 19:57:07
quote: Originally posted by charlock
Hi everyone - thank you again for the support!
The shop has not been in touch with us and the matter is now being delt with by an official body. I dont want to say to much for legal reasons - but I will update in the future.
I am so glad you are not dropping this and have taken it to an official body. I can perfectly understand you being unable to say anything, but hope that you will keep us informed as and when you can. This continuing how it is must be so upsetting and stressful for you. You are in my thoughts.
xxx |
8 Posts |
Posted - 20/11/2009 : 22:17:16
Hi again,
just wanted to say that it was not my intention to `hijack` this thread. I would be very interested to hear anyones thoughts on the origional subject.
xx |
8 Posts |
Posted - 22/11/2009 : 03:39:35
Thank You so much...for everything you you write. I'm phoning those concerned tomorrow....and hopefully the Pet shop will never sell an imappropriate vivarium to a novice, like myself again. I, my boyfriened and my little boy looked into how to keep a snake and relyed on those in a position to selling one to us. In hinsight I wish I had asked all these questions first. |
the nice one
United Kingdom
7308 Posts |
Posted - 22/11/2009 : 04:54:43
quote: Originally posted by charlock
Thank You so much...for everything you you write. I'm phoning those concerned tomorrow....and hopefully the Pet shop will never sell an imappropriate vivarium to a novice, like myself again. I, my boyfriened and my little boy looked into how to keep a snake and relyed on those in a position to selling one to us. In hinsight I wish I had asked all these questions first.
We can all look back in hindsight Charlock and say we wish we had done things differently...but at least you have learnt from it and have hopefully managed to save a lot of other snakes by forcing that pet shop to change its ways. I do hope you go ahead and get another snake...and remember, the forum is always here to help and support you.
xxx |
8 Posts |
Posted - 28/12/2009 : 17:53:57
we have had a full return of costs from the pet shop as a 'good will gesture' and have bought ourselves a new snake today and starter viv.
However the pet shop has not accepted any responsibility at all after visits / contact with trading standards etc. I therfore feel that this could easily happen again! Does anyone have any opinions on these type of 'steel rod pronged supported' design light guards - the lady at the shop openly admitted that the lizards regulary knocked them down! I believe these guardes should be fully sealed / flanged type as shown in the origional photograph.xx |
Sub Adult
United Kingdom
1809 Posts |
Posted - 28/12/2009 : 18:42:27
sorry to here that charlock, most shops will deny it so they don't get the blame. hugs, just unfortunate it hapened to you. don't mean this in a bad way but learn from your mistakes. i learnt the hard way as well. not with lights but... |
 1.1 royal pythons 0.1 hog island boa 1.0 corn snake sig made by stapey |

85 Posts |
Posted - 23/01/2010 : 23:23:49
Great point made. People need to think and research more. This problem is made worse by the fact that our little friends dont know if they are burning :( |

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Oakey 0.1.0 - Okeetee (Roxy) |
The Corn Snake Moderator
United Kingdom
5491 Posts |
Posted - 23/01/2010 : 23:41:02
congrats on the new arrival Charlock, is your new snake now on a heatmat? cant wait to see pics of the new snake!
unfortunately some shops just dont think about the safety of the animals - all they want to do is sell and keep maintainence costs down to a minimum.. sad but true.. do you still use that shop or do you go elsewhere now?  |
2.0 Normal Royal Pythons - Q and Little One 1.0 Chihauhaun Mountain Kingsnake - Simba

8 Posts |
Posted - 30/01/2010 : 14:35:09
Hi all,
our two new sakes Enzo and Morgan are doing fine and we are very happy! We have gone to another pet shop - now in Southport. The guy there has been brilliant; helping us with a small shedding problem and general advice. What a huge difference! We have a small starter viv and a heat mat now which seems to suit the littleins fine. Enzo is a black and white a seems a tad more `feisty' than the other - is this normal? or do all snakes have there own personalities?
cheers. (cornflake - gone but not forgotton xxx) |
Fully Grown Corn
United Kingdom
3796 Posts |
Posted - 30/01/2010 : 14:44:45
Hey again Charlock, nice to hear you haven't been put off snakes!!
One question though? Are your new snakes cohabiting? If so I strongly suggest you have a read of this-
Cohabiting can be very risky, especially with young or small snakes. And by the sounds of it, Enzo is possibly quite a dominant snake, which may affect Morgan's health. |
9.11 Cornsnakes 1.1 Hogg island boas 1.0 Dwarf Burmese python
Location: Watford Website- |
the nice one
United Kingdom
7308 Posts |
Posted - 31/01/2010 : 05:01:18
I am so pleased to hear that you have now got Enzo and Morgan, and that your terrible experience with Cornflake didnt put you off - and even more pleased that you are using a heatmat!
I am sorry that nothing happened to bring that old shop to justice for what you (and Cornflake) suffered and it is scary that they can just go on selling to people who know no better and will end up with death and suffering for the animals they sell. It is so wrong! But you have been very lucky to find the new shop you have found, who can give you advice and support...although I am very surprised that they have not warned you about the dangers in co-habiting (if that is what you are doing?)
It really is something you need to look into seriously and I would have immediately posted you to the link SexyBear already has. The dangers are particularly high with hatchlings and youngsters. The problem is we put human emotion where there is none - we imagine they are nicely cuddled up together when really they are vying for the best spot in the viv...and it certainly sounds as though Morgan could be stressed if Enzo is already asserting his dominance this early on.
Sorry if we have got this wrong and you are not co-habiting, but it is an important enough topic, for the sake of your snakes, that it needed mentioning.
I cant wait to see pics of them both!
xxx |
352 Posts |
Posted - 31/01/2010 : 18:04:03
I put a heat lamp in, but after one week, it's not been on since.[quote]Originally posted by hillzi
Edited by - n/a on 31/01/2010 18:05:31 |
8 Posts |
Posted - 04/02/2010 : 21:05:40
Oh for ***** sake! yes the two are together - I will sort this ASAP. I have to say that I am here on behlf of my partner and would never keep animals myself - for these reasons!!!!! (I do love the snakes though). You really do need to do you homework and not just take the word of one of two people! The snakes are both about 35-40cm long and dont appear to be stressed. Should they be seperated? and can they be reassociated later on? We think the black and white; enzo is a male and the other; morgan a female (body shape). Sorry to appear to be a pleb on this subject but it really ant my focus.
Your help is very much welcome. xxx
***edited for bad language by GP*** |
Edited by - gingerpony on 04/02/2010 21:53:20 |
Queen Bee
United Kingdom
10455 Posts |
Posted - 04/02/2010 : 21:53:56
i think this thread has run it's course - we all know why there's a need for guards.......................TOPIC LOCKED. |
cornsnakes, ratsnakes, bullsnakes, boas and day geckos
 Location:Leeds/York/Selby area |
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