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United Kingdom
563 Posts |
Posted - 19/09/2009 : 01:46:13
Hi, although I still haven't decided whther to get the 2 free Corn snakes in December, I will definitely will be getting one so I am getting all the equipment ready.
Here is my revised buying list;
Exo Terra Funarium 18"x 12"x 6 1/2" Habistat Heat Mat 7w 6" x 11" Micro Climate Mini Stat 100 Exo Terra Digital Thermometer 2-3 Hides Water Dish Small OPTIONAL
Bendable jungle vine Plant decoration/cover
For those that commented on my Intro post br / I thank you, I have a few more questions if you don't mind.
FAUNARIUMS I have listed the larger flatter Faunarium but I was looking at 2, the other being shorter in length but taller 14 1/2" x 8 1/2" x 10", so which one would be better? The recommended size being the sides and front = length of snake, so either of these are a little big, but I don't have any idea of how fast they grow, so I don't want to have to start real small and keep upgrading as it gets bigger. From a hatchling, what sort of size can I expect it to grow in say.. about a year? As fauns don't have opaque walls I was thinking of covering 3 sides of it with cardboard or something so the snake actually feels secure, or wouldn't this be necessary? I'm also concerned about wire inlets or outlets, from the iahes of the Exo Terra range I can't see any, so how are you guys 'n' gals inserting the wires while keeping the lid secure? From what I can make out the Therm sensor would need to go inside on top of the substrate for an accurate reading, and also the stat probe for accurate control of the mat.
SUBSTRATE I'll be using paper towels while the Corn is a hatchling, but I was also thinking of adding some shredded paper for it to burrow into, just another place to hide if necessary. Or is this not be recommended?
HannahB I checked out that link you gave me in my other thread, thanks. Unfortunately that place is up north, and dearer than my local RC. Now if I don't get one for free off my friends son in law I will go for my local RC. They do Common Corns for around £42 up to £125 for a Blood Red. Again, phases and Morphs I am still fuzzy on, so a little more reading is in order. QUESTIONwhat does [COLOUR] Motley or Motley Het mean?
MY LEOPARD GECKO UPDATE If anyone is interested my Keo is doing great, I've handled her a coouple of times so far. But the first timewas accidental, you're supposed to leave them for a couple of weeks before handling, but I had my hand in the viv to capture an uneaten cricket and she ran up my arm to my shoulder, lol, and that was only 3 days after I got her, So I figured she is settled. She is too young to sex, but for now I'm calling her a her as that is what I am hoping. She is fearless and greedy. She had her first shed (that I have saw) today, I didn't think she knew where her humid hide was, but after posting in a forum I turned round and she went in, lol. I'll be checking to make sure the shed has come off her feet later tonight ot tomorrow.
Regards Mick |
 0.4.0 Gerbils (Gemini, Pica, Gerty and Sasha) 0.1.0 Leopard Gecko (Elle) 1.0.0 Carolina Corn Snake(Elijah) 0.0.1 Emperor/Imperial Scorpion (Abbi) 2.0.0 Roborovski Dwarf Hamsters (Micro & Chippy) Tropical fish - 6 Platys.6 Mollies.9 Glowlight Tetra.4 Pearl Gouramis.4 Apple Snails.1 Tiger Plec.2 Common Bristlenose Plecs and lots of babies. |
445 Posts |
Posted - 19/09/2009 : 03:21:39
quote: Originally posted by LittleMick
Micro Climate Mini Stat 100
I personally prefer Habistat mat stats, i have had problems with Micro Climate.
FAUNARIUMS I'm also concerned about wire inlets or outlets, from the iahes of the Exo Terra range I can't see any.
The Exo Terra faunarium i have (although it is only used as a backup enclosure) has a hole in the corner of the lid designed for wires.
SUBSTRATE I'll be using paper towels while the Corn is a hatchling, but I was also thinking of adding some shredded paper for it to burrow into, just another place to hide if necessary. Or is this not be recommended?
Paper towels and shredded paper is perfectly fine, although for my baby snakes i personally use a hemp product called Aubiose which is designed for horses. I only pay £10 for a huge 20kg bale from a local horse food supplier.
QUESTIONwhat does [COLOUR] Motley or Motley Het mean?
To the best of my knowledge, colour motley means that the snake is homozygous for the motley gene and it is therefore visible as the motley patternation, whereas het means heterozygous and would indicate that while the snake has the motley gene it is recessive and not visible... although if the snake breeds with another snake that is heterozygous for the motley gene it could produce homozygous motley snakes. Although i am sure somebody will correct me on this at some point!
Edited by - n/a on 19/09/2009 03:25:15 |
United Kingdom
563 Posts |
Posted - 05/10/2009 : 23:02:21
Well I should be ordering my Corn Snake setup up tomorrow night hopefully, if not then definitely this week. I was looking at the 888 Reptiles setup for £56.94 but with a few alterations.
Exo Terra Large Flat Faunarium 46 x 30 x 17cm Komodo Heat Mat 7w 18 x 28cm Komodo Thermostat 300w Exo Terra Digital Thermometer (the strip thermometors to be removed) 1 x Exo Terra Hide (Already have a Sanke Cave so only need 1 more hide) 1 x Exo Terra Water Dish Medium (changed this from a small as I don't think a hatchling would be able to bether in the small one) 1kg Aspen Bedding
You get the bedding but I reckon I will use paper towels
I sent an email to them asking for a new quote on it, although I have already sent one a few days ago with no reply , I'll also ask my local RC if they will consider a price match. Then all I have to do is wait until December to see what colour these hatchkings will be, or if I can't wait then get one sooner, lol. |
 0.4.0 Gerbils (Gemini, Pica, Gerty and Sasha) 0.1.0 Leopard Gecko (Elle) 1.0.0 Carolina Corn Snake(Elijah) 0.0.1 Emperor/Imperial Scorpion (Abbi) 2.0.0 Roborovski Dwarf Hamsters (Micro & Chippy) Tropical fish - 6 Platys.6 Mollies.9 Glowlight Tetra.4 Pearl Gouramis.4 Apple Snails.1 Tiger Plec.2 Common Bristlenose Plecs and lots of babies. |
The Morph Master
United Kingdom
4335 Posts |
Snake Mite
United Kingdom
11 Posts |
Posted - 25/04/2013 : 14:33:28
What size hides small or medium? |
Snake Mite
United Kingdom
11 Posts |
Posted - 25/04/2013 : 14:58:18
What size hides small or medium? |
United Kingdom
158 Posts |
Posted - 25/04/2013 : 21:32:22
what size snake are you getting infernogal. I got a baby and have small hides  |

0.0.1 Carolina corn snake - Ruby 0.2.0 moggie cat's - Stella & Matilda |
Edited by - carmil07 on 25/04/2013 21:32:40 |
Snake Mite
United Kingdom
11 Posts |
Posted - 25/04/2013 : 21:37:16
Well im guessing a baby corn would have a small hide till its bigger? |
our battery charger
United Kingdom
3063 Posts |
Posted - 26/04/2013 : 00:34:42
Yep u could buy a hide or for baby's people use things like halfed toilet room tubes etc |
0.1.0 creamsicle corn-Marmalade 1.0.0 jungle carpet python-Bumble 1.0.0 corn Casper
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