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United Kingdom
942 Posts |
Posted - 31/10/2010 : 10:56:43
I do know someone who chose to cohabit thinking he had two females and woke up one day to find a clutch of eggs and a very poorly female that took several months to nurse back to health but apart from the pictures i have seen on here i do not know of any cannibalism personally. Ps sorry to hear bout your loss. You are right life is too short. |

1.1.0 Amel Corns Colin and Xena 1.0.0 Dog Talan 1.1.0 Cats Wotsit and Willow 1.0.0 Ferret Chaos
Location: Lowestoft Suffolk |
Fully Grown Corn
United Kingdom
3796 Posts |
Posted - 01/11/2010 : 10:58:58
quote: Originally posted by Decadence
I have 7 corn snakes, 2 females and 5 males, they are all baby corns (not even a foot in length yet) and I house them all together for right now. (Room is tight for cages).
I have 11 snakes in my bedroom- space is extremely tight in there, I can assure you- but I still manage to house them all separately.
At the very least I would split them into male and female groups, you are playing a very dangerous game having them all in together like that.
Imo, co-habiting done purely for the owners wants, and not the snakes needs. I just would not risk any harm to my animals purely for my own gain. I would love to co-habit my snakes, I would save tonnes of space and could get more, but I am not going to.
Maybe it isn't as risky as we all make out.... maybe it is. But why bother taking that risk with an animal that doesn't have a choice in the matter? |
9.11 Cornsnakes 1.1 Hogg island boas 1.0 Dwarf Burmese python
Location: Watford Website- |
Fully Grown Corn
United Kingdom
5599 Posts |
Posted - 01/11/2010 : 13:47:37
You must have a big bedroom sexybear......or have the snakes kicked you out and you have to sleep on the landing!! Well I'm a newcomer so I'm not going to give advice but speak from a personal point of view. Yes,people can and do keep their snakes seperately with success. But me being the cautious type and being an absolute softy with my pets I keep my pair in a partitioned viv. Just the thought of something happening to my snakes,even if the chance was 1% is more than I'd want to risk. I would never get over it if something happened to them and it was through an action of mine. I've nowt against people that make the decision to cohabit their snakes,its their choice at the end of the day. For me though it wouldn't be right. I had a nightmare only last night where I dreamed Falcor had got into Lokis side and Loki was frightened of him,it really stressed me out!! |
       3.1.0 Corn snakes, 1.0.0 T-Albino Cape House Snake, 0.1.0 Western Hognose, 1.0.0 MBK, 0.1.0 Childrens Python, 1.0.0 Nicaraguan Dwarf Boas 0.0.1 Occelated Skink, 1.0.0 Leopard Gecko, 1.0.3 Tarantulas, 0.0.2 Damon diadema 1.0.0 C0ckatiel,
don't say the 'M' word!
United Kingdom
2901 Posts |
Posted - 01/11/2010 : 15:14:58
quote: Originally posted by ZicoZ
quote: Originally posted by mikerichards
I bet you always find the stronger one on the bottom!
Mike , can you clarify your view ??
Sorry, i missed this bit. Its a simple answer, closer to the heat. the heat is the one thing they MUST have to survive, (other than food and water obv.) without it they will quickly die. the snake on the bottom of the pile is going to get the heat, the one on the top is not.
Decandence, i wont tell you what i think, you wont like it. I will tell you what i know though, i too live in an 'apartment' aka a flat, 2 bedrooms. i have near on 100 snakes, bar 2 they ALL live separately, in ONE room, we also have 10 crested geckos, again, all separate, 4 male leos all separate, 7 rabbits, all separate. Get the idea?? If you wanted the best for your snakes, you would have found a way. Ignorance is not an excuse either, you have a responsibilty to all those animals, and should have researched before going out and buying more snakes than you had space for. |
Location : Worthing, West Sussex
The Corn Snake Admin
United Kingdom
3093 Posts |
Posted - 01/11/2010 : 15:59:22
I know co-habiting is always a fiery subject.......
But can we all calm things down please. There is no need for any of you to be so argumentative and just downright harsh.
We don't do flaming on here- please keep it that way
Thanks |

Fully Grown Corn
United Kingdom
3796 Posts |
Posted - 01/11/2010 : 16:33:31
quote: Originally posted by Mort13
You must have a big bedroom sexybear......or have the snakes kicked you out and you have to sleep on the landing!!
Lol, I don't have a big room by most people's standards, but I have chosen to keep as many snakes as I have and that has meant sacrificing space so they can all live separate, comfortable lives. I got rid of my 2 bedside tables last week to make space for 2 new exo-terras and a re-arrange of the current vivs- hard work!!  |
9.11 Cornsnakes 1.1 Hogg island boas 1.0 Dwarf Burmese python
Location: Watford Website- |
qeeun speler
United Kingdom
6129 Posts |
Posted - 01/11/2010 : 16:48:45
quote: Originally posted by sullysteve
I just wonder how many people on this forum have had direct and unsuccessful experience with co-habiting?
Depends what you mean by unsuccessful. I co-habited 1 male and 1 female together. The male was fine, the female I never knew was stressed out for years. I mean, she's naturally a fussy eater, regurge is not uncommon like once a year, timid so can flail about and generally inactive but she was a lot worse when she was with the male. On her own she seems to be getting better. I also go unexpected eggs in like Jan/Feb last year... I nromally used to seperate when there was funny buisness in like spring time but them doing it in like Dec totally had me off gaurd, I never knew! Apart from that erm obviously no eating each other! I also had my babies all in together for one day, as I didn't think the eggs would hatch bar 1 eggs, wasn't expecting 7 to poke their way out so it took me that day to get tubs and other little bits for them.
Sexy bear, Decadence has already spilt them into male and female groups already :p
I have mine separate now, because of the stress issues and with my male corn on a diet... well if he get's peckish that would be it! I don't think I could keep a snake that has eaten my other pet, it would just seem kinda wrong... I couldn't look at them in the same way ever again. |
A very special super, duper thanks for K :3 |
Fully Grown Corn
United Kingdom
3796 Posts |
Posted - 01/11/2010 : 17:13:24
quote: Originally posted by Sta~ple
Sexy bear, Decadence has already spilt them into male and female groups already :p
Missed that bit in the thread- but bloomin' glad to hear it, it's some sort of start at least.  |
9.11 Cornsnakes 1.1 Hogg island boas 1.0 Dwarf Burmese python
Location: Watford Website- |
3 Posts |
Posted - 04/11/2010 : 03:12:02
[hi alot of people say no but i do mine are 2 years old but as young i kept them seperate the chances of them trying to eat eachother is higher when young and unless you want to breed them its not recomended corns will breed with or without help u may just go to the viv 1 day and they will be mating its a very touchy subject but i wouldnt as babys |
the nice one
United Kingdom
7308 Posts |
Posted - 05/11/2010 : 03:13:58
I have been away from the forum for a while and am sorry to find that this thread has once again flamed up into the situation it has....where it seems to have driven away Decadence (who hasnt posted since the 21st) when in fact what was needed was a calmer response to the information given and what he asked for....advice and guidance, rather than being told he didnt know anything and should return his snakes to the shop! Yes, maybe he should have researched more before he bought his snakes, and I question why he bought that many in one go if he was in the situation he was in, but the deed was done and he needed to be worked with to help resolve the issue....not had a go at.
What needs to be remembered is that this is a public forum where people are allowed and encouraged to ask for help and offer advice....and you dont need years of experience to do that, we are blessed with members who have that experience and will immediately correct any advice that is seen as bad or dangerous.
As far as experience goes, some would say I shouldnt comment on co-habiting as I have never done it....but that doesnt mean I dont have a personal opinion on the subject having researched it (and not just on this forum) and would suggest that someone make sure they do the same before doing it. BUT I cant make them stop co-habiting, that is their decision. I would not agree with it, but I certainly wouldnt then attack them because of it. Decadence did take advice and separate the males from the females (and in another thread did get a stat) who knows how much more help we could have been to him had this been handled a bit better.
This is a very emotive topic, we all know that....all I am asking is that you think carefully about who you are replying to, what situation they may be in, why they may be in it, how you can help them best, what sort of response you would accept and follow were the tables turned....and also what others reading it all will think.
As has been said, it is very difficult to get across what you want to say in this format....but please, read through what you put before you post it and remember that we are all on here for the same reason, our love of corn snakes.
Queen Bee
United Kingdom
10455 Posts |
Posted - 05/11/2010 : 08:40:04
just to clarify............. i think forum members generally dislike the attitude 'i've asked for advice but now i've got it i'm going to ignore it and just hope it doesn't happen to me' and to publicly post that they're doing it their way regardless, well, it's basically trolling for a flamed response IMO
i also believe that the suggestion of 'taking them back to the shop' was purely for them to be looked after while Decadence sorted out individual, appropriate, safe housing arrangements...........though this comment has been taken out of context by people for their own reasons.
cornsnakes, ratsnakes, bullsnakes, boas and day geckos
 Location:Leeds/York/Selby area |
qeeun speler
United Kingdom
6129 Posts |
Posted - 05/11/2010 : 16:53:22
Your forgetting, peoples idea's of how to keep some animals in America, where corns orgionate from, are different. Also, how animals are being kept has drasticly changed over what I know of 8 years. What I know then that it was very much accepted co-habiting, while a few years later it isn't. A lot of shops co-habit, remember this, this makes potential owners think it is ok specially if the shop has a high reputation and is very clean. Even the ones that know the risk of co-habiting will co-habit simply because of space.And of course, they aren't going to turn round and say "no you can't house corns together" as the customer will say "what the hell are you doing then?"
It would be like for example,(very sorry this will be long winded) it is currently perfectly 100% acceptable to house gold fish together (that I know of) although there have been some cases that when goldfish are in the same tank, the chances of something going wrong is higher, like if one fish has a disease then the other one will get it and sometimes they nibble at each others tails but this is exstreamly rare. The number of incidents happening increases, over a few or many, many years. Not because all fish have suddenly decided that they taste yummy, but because more people are owning and keeping goldfish so with that increase, is the increase of incidents but it's still happening at the same very, very tiny percentage. One persona makes a website decided to write a new care-sheet over highlighting the fact goldfish can nibble each others tails and then someone reads that as to never house them together or else they eat each other" and that person is now such a big goldfish lover that they write their own care-sheet saying never house goldfish together and when they see that someone else is, they flame them.
And oh gee fisty cuffs are stating up again T.T but in no way in that sentance did it hint to me while you sort out the snake housing. Although it is hard to see what someone means on the internet if you don't give out all the info. And considering that Decadence didn't ask for any help regarding co-habiting, just merely stated that he did which is acceptable in some places, and now has spilt up males from females I think that's something.
I would place a bet that more people have either no stat or co-habit more than what on here is thought to be the "ideal" set-up. Most of the time, the majority is right. I wouldn't say they are right, not ideal is more like the word and errors like this don't warrant rage as this type of care did used to be perfectly acceptable. It's just a case of pet shops spewing out outdated information along with the many outdated websites out there and books. When they read those pages, they think that it is perfectly acceptable and when they just see a few odd websites like this that do stress the need of a stat and separate housing then, this is going to come across as those pages being wrong.
Wow that took half an hour to write XD |
A very special super, duper thanks for K :3 |
Edited by - Sta~ple on 05/11/2010 16:53:55 |
United Kingdom
172 Posts |
Posted - 07/11/2010 : 09:52:31
In the wild snakes:
- Dont live in tanks - Dont get handled/played with - Dont get fed - Dont eat food thats been frozen then thawed - Dont have cameras shoved in there faces
(im sure theres a whole long list but im out of ideas lol)
Now to the point - We do all of those things to our snakes, our snakes are not wild, they're pets.
Cohabitating is just another step. Its entirely down to personal choice, Kehhlyr and GP both cohabit yet i dont see you all having a go at them? What somebody else does with their pets is their own buisness, if they're seeking advice then advise them but they will still have to make up their own mind.
Having said that, personally i wouldnt cohabit 
0.0.1 Bloodred 0.1.0 Snow |
ǝʞɐɔ sǝʌoן
United Kingdom
8173 Posts |
Posted - 07/11/2010 : 17:34:04
quote: Originally posted by chrish
I.............Cohabitating is just another step. Its entirely down to personal choice, Kehhlyr and GP both cohabit yet i dont see you all having a go at them?........
Ding ding ding ding. You hit what I think is the jackpot there, I was thinking that exact same thing last night.
I mentioned in a thread elsewhere that I have a near 4ft boa, and 18inch (ish) boa and a 18 inch (ish) kingsnake all inside a 4ft viv. I've also mentioned in this thread about me co-habiting in the past and no one picked on me.
As it stands I don't co-habit corns anymore for the simple reason that I had 2 of my snakes die. One of them was due to the fact it was being cohabited, he done something that wouldn't have happened if he wasn't cohabited. Saying that though, he could've done it if I put them together for breeding. The other snake that I lost would've happened regardless of co-habiting or not.
The risks of co-habiting are many, and it can be done successfully but it can also be done badly. Sensibility is the key more than anything and having the ability to split at the drop of a hat is of the utmost importance. At the moment I also cohabit beardies and a plated, and a beardie several anoles and several longtailed kinks.
There are other issues that have been mentioned in regards cohabiting that most people have skimmed over and seemingly not taken notice of. Vet treatment. If you find a regurge in the viv, what snake done it?? All snakes will need treatment for any minor ailment possibly causing a difference of a 50 quid vet visit into 150-200 quid visit.
Co-habiting is a great subject for massive difference of opinion however there is a big difference between opinion sharing/subject disagreement than picking at people specifically. If you want to start 'flaming' others then go elsewhere, if you want to have what could be an informative discussion on pros/cons then stay.
/ninja edit Just edited to add and clarify that it's not only snakes that can cause issues, I have 2 leos that are booked in (again) for the vets due to a long term eye issue. Now the eye issue is supposidly to do with them shedding, but if it's caused an infection in the process are they giving it back to one another??? I'm not sure, however after (another) 60 quid consultation tomorrow I shall find out how much more money I need to spend on getting their eyes sorted. |
-=Kehhlyr - The Resident Loon
Edited by - Kehhlyr on 07/11/2010 17:37:11 |
Sub Adult
United Kingdom
1189 Posts |
Posted - 07/11/2010 : 20:42:21
At the end of the day IMO people are free to do as they please, but I know that the both of you and GP would see signs of distressed animals and act, you all have some experience and have a number snakes. To me although it may sound daft to you makes it a little more understandable. What I certainly dont like is people with no experience whatsoever cohabiting, they are unlikely to know a lot about the behaviours of snakes, so how do they tell if a snake is unhappy? I think really people like you guys who do it, do it knowing the risks but also knowing your snakes and knowing how their behaviour may change, and if it did I am almost certain you would act on it immediately. You are mature and responsible people, you arent gonna stand there and watch your snake die because it wont eat because it is stressed or something of a similair nature. Again as I said previously you can all do as you please, you obviously are very much aware of the risks that you are taking, I do have strong opinions about this usually but giving it thought I guess its like I was told by someone I know, he keeps snakes, he has LOADS, and he has some pretty nasty little things that he breeds, so obviously putting them together, doing so is a risk but he takes it knowing that he may have to step in but he is prepared to do so, so providing you are prepared to step in if it is ever necessary then its not so bad. As with decedance I did recommend buying some cheap small plastic boxes for just in case anything happens, and the reply I got was in fact, I dont have to, and that is carelessness, If you are going to do so then surely it is the least you can do? But that is just how I feel, I am slowly becoming ever so slightly more accepting but as I said previously only in certain circumstances.
And you are welcome, :) you are one of the people that makes this forum nice, its in fact the majority, the most of you are very helpful and positive people that make this forum more of a community rather than a drop in help service, I do love this forum very much because of the people making it like this. And admin/mods are so helpful and kind, theres not much I could knock about this forum TBH.
And now I will shut up cause I wrote far too much blabbing on probably saying a heap of stuff that doesnt make sense, so sorry if that is the case guys. :) Tiffany-x |
United Kingdom
507 Posts |
Posted - 07/11/2010 : 21:05:53
Tiffany....excellent. Yours and kehhlyr 's post is as you would expect. So thanku.
Ok so I went overboard saying I won't be back, but i had to show my point as i bet there are many that are affraid of speaking out about that they cohabit and go away without the right advice. What I will do is keep my distance from those who are rude.
    1.0 Corns Geoff (Ghost) 0.1 Brazilian Rainbow Boa - Heidi 1.1 Kings - Pete (Florida) + Mamba (Cali Stripe) 1.2 Ball Pythons (Pastel + Bumblebee + Normal) Location : Warrington, Cheshire |
Queen Bee
United Kingdom
10455 Posts |
Posted - 08/11/2010 : 14:48:00
right, i've had enough of this. locked until further notice.
JimAlexander - you've submitted a total of 4 posts and you've already got abusive. it will NOT be tolerated.
and to all - if you can't say anything constructive in a reasonable manner then it's simple - don't click on 'Submit Reply'. |
cornsnakes, ratsnakes, bullsnakes, boas and day geckos
 Location:Leeds/York/Selby area |
Edited by - gingerpony on 08/11/2010 14:52:14 |
The Corn Snake Admin
United Kingdom
3093 Posts |
Posted - 08/11/2010 : 15:37:50
JimAlexander is out of here!
We don't talk to people like that on our forum and it won't be tolerated.
Banned until further notice (at the discrestion of the mods)! |

Queen Bee
United Kingdom
10455 Posts |
Posted - 08/11/2010 : 20:58:37
thread tidied, inappropriate posts deleted, the debate is open again 
now play nice please people!  |
cornsnakes, ratsnakes, bullsnakes, boas and day geckos
 Location:Leeds/York/Selby area |
Sub Adult
United Kingdom
1189 Posts |
Posted - 08/11/2010 : 21:18:17
Thanks GP, someone has to say it. :) You are great on this forum, always so active and helpful. I think you are great for this forum, and Kazerella its nice to see you being more active recently too. I think all mods/admin on this forum are fantastic, we are so lucky to have so many being so active, so yeah, thanks for clearing this thread, any idiot can see it is the most busy on the forum. :P Tiffany-x |
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